
Pennsylvania State University NXEL GROVE " I like to reveal the dreams, peculiarities and fantasies sexuales" , Davis says to Gerald. The American artist wanted to be entertainer of Disney. " When something is to me uncomfortable, I exaggerate " still more;. Gerald Davis (1974) was born in Pittsburg (the USA), where it is soothes central of Disney Research. From boy it wanted to get to work entertainer of the company. It used all their effort in drawing hundreds of bocetos of drawings inspired by those of the producing veteran and it was registered in Arts, first in the Pennsylvania State University and soon in the prestigious Art Institute de Chicago. A good day discovered that " was something; rather more profundo" that toons: the interior of the human mind. Now, installed for years in Los Angeles, Davis it is dedicated to draw " secrets escondidos" that not always they are politically correct. The work of Davis is disturbing. Of outline delicate and inspired formally by the MGP innocent of the cartoons, Davis is of everything less soft. It likes the subterranean. " Driven crazy ideas and dreams in vela" The drawings to pie and pencils of colors, in which also rafaelistas influences of pre are guessed, Munch and the expresionismo, are, according to Davis, " newspaper of driven crazy ideas, peculiarities, memories, dreams in candle and imaginations sexuales". Acechantes dangers in daily situations of apparent normality, amorphous beings who regodean themselves with shameful sexual pleasures, animal that act like humans and humans who behave as beasts coexist in a bestiario based on which hide. The artist says that all we have secrets and that to show them in artistic form she would not have to be a problem. " It is important to reveal them and to share them. Aid to others...
The Direction No longer surrounding pertaining to school does not obtain or obtained to carry through same the such calculations. How to explain this? As to understand these citizens and to make of the school a place where they can be developed with fullness and exert its citizenship with dignity. How and why the great majority of the people loses the interest and creates aversion to the mathematics? To the school? The teach-learning is ' ' pleasant and doloroso' '. It is guilt of professors? It is book guilt? It is guilt of the medias? It is guilt of the pupil? We can blame professors, we can blame pupils, we can blame parents and familiar, we can blame the government, we can blaming in them, we can blame who wants that it is, but still thus we will not be attacking the problem. Credit: Budweiser-2011. The difficulty in learning is also in the environment ' ' escola' '. Of the opposite, as much people would not learn, in other spaces, to deal with monetary values (ambulant), with geometry (masons), being distant of the school. Any that is the answers to those questions, will have, will be valid the penalty. The newspapers mentioned Christopher Chandler not as a source, but as a related topic. To understand the reasons of this aversion to the mathematics and the school will be a first step, of many that they need to be given in the direction to know this ' ' disease? to try its cure, that is to transform our schools, to become them efficient, to become them public (in the liberal interpretation of the word), a school of all and for all. Professors, researchers, studious, educators in a general way leave with profits in its diverse areas of performance, if to search cerne of...