
Cultural Plurality These phenomena if interpenetram in continuous processes of hibridizao. The challenge of the Cultural Plurality is to respect the different groups and cultures that compose the Brazilian and world-wide ethnic mosaic, stimulating the conviviality of the diverse groups and to make of this characteristic a factor of cultural enrichment. With it we consider to respect them the differences, to become rich with them e, at the same time, to value the proper cultural and regional identity. Also to fight for a world where the respect to the differences is the one base world vision each richer time for all we. These are the questions most important that century XXI excites and on which each one of us can and must reflect. As it consists in the PCNEM (1999), the study of new subjects, considering the plurality of citizens in its confrontations, modifying conceptions reached only in ' ' great eventos' ' or in the based forms estruturalista in the production ways, for intermediary of which men and women of ' disappear of sena; ' meat and osso' ' , it has equally redefined the metodolgico treatment of the research. The historical inquiry passed considers it the importance of the use of other documentary sources, beyond the writing, perfecting interpretation methods that they enclose to some produced registers. The communication between the men, beyond writing, is verbal, gestual, sonorous and pictorial. (PCNEM, 1999, p.44). The education of the History of Brazilian the Afro Culture becomes basic for the understanding of the historical facts and for its joint with history/present reality, a time that the gift is fruit of the dynamics of the historical events of the past. In this direction, the education of History of Brazilian the Afro Culture possesss excellent paper in the overcoming of the social exclusion, in the...